
Don't be afraid to know things


RICK; Guitar & Vocals  -  TRAVIS; Bass, Backing Vocals  -  RICK; Drums


We like to think we're filling a hole left behind by our brothers & sisters of the late 60's and early 70's. Folk musicians and rock bands protesting unjust wars and social inequality. Where is everyone?

Tea Party and Occupy Wall Streeters are just the beginning. And Ladies and Gentlemen, we have to come together like no other time in history. Our government is obliterating the Bill of Rights and the Constitution by getting rid of habeas corpus (your right to an attorney and to be charged before detained) and posse comitatus (separation of army and civil police).

People float on inner-tubes thru shark infested waters to get to America.

400 people Ride ships built for 150 standing in shit, piss and puke, to get to America. Why ? The Constitution and Bill Of Rights. Not perfect but the best in history so far.

It's slipping away. We have to wake up your friends, neighbors lovers and family The main stream (news, movies, comedy shows, newspapers and of course 95% of all the corporations, that are running things) DO NOT WANT THINGS TO CHANGE. So we are trying to remind everyone that learning does not stop after high school. They want us to think that understanding how the economy works is over our heads. Or more important how government works. TwoFaceDown is following hundreds of artist in the past, who pointed out this same shit going on for thousands of years. History repeats itself.

We just want to help motivate people to shake out the cob webs, bust thru the programming, start to peel the onion.

Don't be afraid to know things, it is empowering.